Posts about Writing |
- Pay No Attention To The Essential Plot Device Behind The Curtain
- Western Steampunk? Or What's Aidee working on now...
- Recommended Video - Atlantis: The Lost Empire and Emotional Storytelling
- The Short Story Writer's Dilemma - How to Write a Novel
- Time Lock! Give Your Characters Deadlines, Too
- Three Easy Habits To Better Writing
- The Book That Just Won't Work
- Conquering Your Fears And Doubts
- The Trouble With Science And Magic
- Why All New Authors Need A Website
- Questioning...Well...Everything
- The Scary Part
- Writing Scenes at the Conjunction Junction
- Discovering the Core
- Nominative Determinism and Fictional Characters
- The Secrets Our Characters Keep
- Everywhere On The Web Today
- Rash Promises - Why Do We Make Bargains That Are Hard To Keep?
- Other Worlds: Write What You Know
- Decisions, decisions....Why Your Character Should Decide
- Editing...editing...editing...
- The Panic Jar
- Flash Point: How to Write Contest-Winning Flash Fiction
- Frequency Illusion and the Cognitive Bias Effect in Book Buyers
- Death and Taxes
- Thoughts on Time Travel
- Because of the Spirit. Because of the Heart.
- The Five A.M. Alarm
- Dire Straits--Characters Thrive In Danger
- Planning My Next Book Dedication...
- Liking It Rough - Drafts, I Mean (What Did You Think I Meant?)
- Looking Back to the Beginning of the Journey
- Aren’t You That Guy I Met Next Week? Why I Needed A Series Bible
- The Villain as Hero and Vice Versa
- Takeaways from RainbowCon 2014 Day Four
- Takeaways from RainbowCon 2014 Day Three
- Takeaways from RainbowCon 2014 Day Two
- Takeaways from RainbowCon 2014 Day One
- Writers Write
- Trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit - Molière
- The Steps to Intimacy in the FIRST KISS
- The Ritual of Enjoyment
- An Endless Source Of Amusement
- So, I participated in the Sketchbook Project last year
- To Swag Or Not To Swag
- Too Many Writing Classes Can Lead To ...Death!
- Night Becomes Moonlight
- The Persistant Kernel of an Idea
- Meditation for Writers
- Can cute kitten videos help your productivity? According to science they can!