
No question about it–I’m a pochemuchka.

I’ve had teachers tell me not to raise my hand anymore. I’ve had family members roll their eyes. I’ve had shop clerks shake their heads and walk away.

I’ve always been a questioner. I think that’s why my family had not one but three separate sets of encyclopedias during my formative years. One Christmas I was even given my very own set!

I want to know those answers. I want to know everything about everything. And I think that’s a trait that, while annoying, makes me a better writer. Questions make us think, make us wonder, make us plot new worlds. And those new worlds–those can be written about.

  • What if instead of losing land to the white settlers, the Native Americans managed to hold onto the center of the country due to large mechanical wings allowing them to swoop in and win battles against the US Calvary?  — instant Steampunk!
  • What if a teenager discovered she was the mouthpiece for the ghost of a local murdered woman, the only person who knew where the treasure was buried  — Paranormal, anyone? Or maybe Suspense?
  • What if a lab assistant realized his boss wouldn’t notice him borrowing the time machine during a long lunch break — Science Fiction!
  • What if a VIP at a horror convention ended up looking like the victim of the latest slasher flick — who wants to solve a Mystery?


These are questions I’ve had. And they’ve led to  meeting wondrous characters, envisioning elaborate places, and plotting fantastical stories.

So keep up those questions! They’re the engine that keeps your plot running!

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