Why Write F/F Romance?

So to date, I’ve written mostly Male/Male romance, but my first Female/Female science fiction romance, Elusive Radiance, is now on the shelves. And I’ve had a few people ask me why I’ve switched from same-sex men to same-sex women and why not just switch to Male/Female romance?

Well, that’s an interesting question…but to me it boils down to one major detail.

My characters.

My stories usually begin with a scene. I can see that scene so clearly it’s almost like a painting in my mind. I know where each character stands, what words come out of their mouth, their facial expressions, their backstory that makes them respond in a certain way, the clothes they wear, what job they’re employed at, what their mother’s first name is, what the weather is like…you get the idea.

But I also know if they’re male or female or trans or a robot or an alien.

So when I sat down to write this story, ELUSIVE RADIANCE, I knew both the bodyguard Sec Anais and her love interest, Delegate Savea Blackmun were both women. The first scene I saw them in was the elevator. I saw the sparkling Savea, looking elegant, beautiful, and leaning against the rail, a smile on her face. Beside her, ramrod straight spine, was Anais, drawing in a deep breath of Savea’s wonderful scent, tasting cinnamon and something hot on the back of her tongue.

I know there are authors that can simply switch a character’s gender and write what is popular and what is trendy, but I’ve never been able to do that. You see, men and women approach sex and romance differently. And my characters do, too. Savea might not have opened up to a man guarding her. Anais might not have offered her knowledge of galaxy trade to a male delegate. Their gender and their identity, basically who they are, is important to the story I’m telling and how it progresses.

So they both had to be women.

And I think their story as women is worth telling. I hope you’ll give ELUSIVE RADIANCE a look and meet my two strong, capable women who just happen to fall in love.

2 thoughts on “Why Write F/F Romance?

  1. Yes, thank you, it's about the characters. I do have few story ideas for M/F romance, but generally it's the guys who talk in my head. 🙂

    1. I know! You just have to be true to them. If it's a man write a man. If it's a woman, write a woman. Characters, just like people, love who they love.

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Aidee Ladnier

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