So you may not know that I’m on the spectrum…of sexuality and orientation.
I am, and have been since I realized it at thirteen, bisexual.
I love men. I’m currently married to a man. But I also find some women deeply attractive and would have no problem having a relationship with a woman if I wasn’t in a monogamous marriage.

And I think that’s why I had an enormous feeling of relief in my soul a few years ago when I sat down to write a story about two women falling in love.
It was as if a part of me that had been shoved aside was pushed to the fore again.
It felt like I’d been laced up in the world’s tightest corset and someone had taken scissors to the stays and at last I could breathe.
Last year I sent my story to the new Pride Publishing imprint of Totally Entwined and they accepted it. It’s about a young bodyguard with special abilities who finds herself guarding a flirtatious delegate on her first visit to the galaxy trade talks.
The book will be out later this year, but in the meantime, here’s the gorgeous cover that was made for it.
I can’t wait to introduce you to shy Security Officer Anais and her lovely Delegate Savea Blackmun. They turn up the heat in my first F/F romance, Elusive Radiance.