Your Vote Needed for The Klockwerk Kraken Collection!


TheKlockwerkKraken-onesheet If you enjoyed The Klockwerk Kraken Collection, now is the time to show your love – it’s been nominated for the Annual Preditors & Editors™ Readers’ Poll in the Science Fiction and Fantasy division.

I loved writing about Teo (the tentacled bartender) and the spaceship pilot Jimenez as they travel from Switchpoint Waystation to Teo’s home planet of Celos in search of happiness and a brighter future.

And if you haven’t read it yet, it’s available online at


When the right space pilot walks into his bar, a desperate bartender uses all his wiles (and tentacles) to talk the man into business and his bed–but the spacer is still enslaved by his past and isn’t sure he can deal with a two-armed lover, much less one with six.

As the supply shipments stop coming, Teo Houdin needs all his tentacles to keep his waystation bar open. Facing a riot by thirsty miners stranded in the backwater of the galaxy, Teo helps a greenie space pilot buy a ship in return for a regular haul of liquor. But he longs for the courage to invite the enigmatic spacer to fill his lonely bed as well.

Still smarting from his newly implanted navigational ports, Jimenez knows owning his own ship will prevent him from ever being bought and sold again. For a former slave, transporting cargo through the emptiness of space sounds like paradise, but after meeting the compassionate and sexy Teo, his heart feels empty, too.

At the edge of the galaxy’s spiral arm, can Teo convince Jimenez that the heart has its own tentacles and theirs should be entwined forever?

I would really appreciate your vote before the poll closes on Jan 14th!

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