The Klockwerk Kraken – Now on Tour! #SFR #GayRomance #Tentacles
To have some fun, do some coloring and get your hands on a truly epic giveaway, join me on tour at these fabulous venues or buy your copy of the book here: MLR Press | Amazon | iBooks
All Romance eBooks | Kobo | Barnes and Noble
July 10 Book Blitz!!
July 12
July 13
- Carly’s Book Reviews **REVIEW**
- Multitasking Mommas Book Reviews #BB **REVIEW**
July 17
July 19
- Snarky Mom Reads… **REVIEW**
- DP’s Cafe
- GirlyGirl Book Reviews **REVIEW**
- Skye Allen
July 23
- Gay.Guy.Reading and Friends **REVIEW**
July 24
- Vamp and Racey **REVIEW**
- World of Diversity Fiction **REVIEW**
July 26
July 31
It’s going to be sooooooo much fun!!!Oh! And don’t forget to enter the coloring contest and sign up for the giveaway!