Pay No Attention To The Essential Plot Device Behind The Curtain
So while writing this blog post, I was deep in the middle of a class by Kris Kennedy on backstory. (Which was excellent BTW, so
because quirky characters fall in love, too…
So while writing this blog post, I was deep in the middle of a class by Kris Kennedy on backstory. (Which was excellent BTW, so
I was recently researching western steampunk because, well….I’m writing one and I was surprised to see that it’s one of several in the ____punk genre.
Deadlines are an intrinsic part of being a writer. You have to a specific date to turn in the first draft. Edits are due by
During my time as a professional writer, three habits have helped me become a better author. Reading. A good writer always reads. As Stephen king
So, moment of truth here – I’ve lost sleep over what I should write for this blog post. I have an enormous case of impostor
One piece of advice I’ve heard again and again from veteran writers is to know your core story. For new writers this can be a
So I like to write blog posts. That’s pretty apparent to anyone that follows me. But today I’ve outdone myself in posts. Today I’m
So January is editing and plotting month. I’m still writing on a little flash fiction, but mostly I’m editing. And I’m learning, but I admit
This post was previously published on the Romance Magicians blog: Have you ever learned a new word or heard about a historical event for the
I’ve been thinking about both of these things lately. Taxes, because I still haven’t finished mine, and Death… My Dad passed in February and death
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