Gender Swap – Why I Also Write F/F


So I’m over the moon excited to announce the general release of my new female/female science fiction romance, Elusive Radiance.

I’ve been cautioned by other writers about “diluting my brand”, since I’ve mostly published male/male romance to this point. I’ve been told that readers might not want to read about two women falling in love, that the market only has room for male/female romance readers and male/male readers.

And those warnings sadden me.

You see, I’m a bisexual. I love men. I’m currently married to one. But I love women, too. And it hurts me that again, women are seen as not good enough, not interesting enough as romantic leads, not sexy enough to carry a book alone.

Writing this story was a joy for me. As I’m in a monogamous heterosexual relationship, it was like stretching a muscle too long kept cramped. Or maybe like taking a deep breath after being corseted for a day. Or even a warm feeling in the pit of my stomach which had been shivering with cold. I felt like a part of myself could finally be acknowledged.

This story is science fiction. That will be a familiar genre for my readers. But the protagonists are women, both capable, strong, and loving women.

So if you’ve never picked up a female/female romance, I hope you’ll give this one a try. You might just find you enjoy it. 🙂

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